Clean Energy Blog

Stay up to date on the latest news related to clean energy in our region and beyond. 

APPA Career Center

The American Public Power Association provides a Career Center to search energy jobs by location, keyword, discipline, and education. You can search for jobs in Washington state, filter by education required, build a profile, and create a search alert. Find out more...

Find jobs and career help from CEWD

Find jobs in Washington or other states on the CEWD Get Into Energy website. Get Into Energy was designed and launched by the Center for Energy Workforce Development (CEWD) to build awareness among students, teachers, military veterans, transitioning workers, and...

House passes Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act

On September 24, the House passed H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act, a $135 billion package that includes clean energy and workforce bills from the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Natural Resources Committee, and Committee on Science, Space,...